Writer's block

811.Housework is for women only.

812.Housework can be done by men too.

813.I am tired of writing stories in school.

814.The dullest person I ever met.

815.The obstacles I am facing in my life.

816.If I could be an animal I would be ...

817.Two working parents and children do not mix.

818.The day I almost lost my life.

819.People today are not committed to a moral standard.

820.This is my character sketch.

821.My inspiration.

822.I once participated in ...

823.If I were as small as Tom Thumb.

824.Why do I talk to myself all the time?

825.I help my older neighbors with their chores.

826.People of faith are law abiding citizens.

827.Believers in God are wasting their time.

828.Friendship is ...

829.If I were a giant.

830.Would I risk my life to save a friend?

831.I am a slow learner.

832.Reasons why I do well in school.

833.I often sit around with nothing to do.

834.We have a new baby in our family.

835.What is the most important thing in life?

836.I saw a very good movie.

837.There is a special event coming up.

838.The way I celebrate my birthday.

839.Please help me with ...

840.If I could teach my class something it would be ...

841.The field trip that went wrong from the word go.

842.The most interesting science experiment.

843.Adjusting to my step-mother and her family.

844.My step-father will never replace my real dad.

845.I am a very responsible person.

846.I am not a very responsible person.

847.Reasons why the Middle East is always in the news.

848.Our environment is in a serious danger.

849.I don’t believe in divorce.

850.I am terrified of flying.


851.What I think of racism.

852.Let me tell you what it’s like ...

853.The nightmare I remember.

854.There will never be peace on earth.

855.I am afraid of needles.

856.I wish that I could help my friend.

857.The truth about ...

858.If I could write a book it would be about ...

859.I love my pet.

860.Should animals be used for research?

861.Instead of collecting taxes the government should ...

862.If God doesn’t exist then ...

863.I spend my whole summer ...

864.I want to become a veterinarian.

865.My father just lost his job.

866.I am against/ for clear cutting old forests.

867.I don’t like being in a special education class.

868.Ideal job description.

869.The greatest destructive force in the world.

870.The greatest enemy of our nation.

871.The axis of evil.

872.If Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is correct then ...

873.Downloading music through the internet.

874.I feel very depressed.

875.The worst punishment I ever experienced.

876.The best way to protect our environment.

877.All weapons of mass destruction should be destroyed.

878.Greed - healthy/ unhealthy emotion.

879.The phobia I have to live with.

880.My parents’ divorce has ruined my life.

881.Adjusting to my new country.

882.I have already started investing.

883.How to solve the problem of crime.

884.I am a very emotional person.

885.Modern technology and its effects on our society.

886.I am tired of watching violence on TV.

887.Capitalism versus communism.

888.My new chores around the house.

889.I renounce dishonesty.

890.Fads simply come and go.

891.Being shy is one of my biggest problems.

892.I miss my deceased grandfather/ grandmother.

893.Neither of my parents have a job.

894.My teachers are not fair to me.

895.The people I admire.

896.Advantages of having a computer.

897.I am afraid of public speaking.

898.Who am I?

899.I can’t seem to handle very many things.

900.Five questions I would ask God.


901.I don’t feel safe in my house.

902.Directions for how to make a ...

903.My three goals in life are ...

904.The first thing that came to my mind.

905.My observations about our class.

906.Reasons for optimism.

907.I really care about ...

908.I know exactly what my career will be.

909.Our world is an amazing place.

910.How I would help the disadvantaged.

911.Extreme nationalism can be a dangerous thing.

912.My thoughts on war.

913.I would like to publish a book one day.

914.Ways our school can be improved.

915.Our class curriculum can be improved.

916.I just love riding my bicycle.

917.I often feel so inadequate and awkward.

918.Ten things I dislike.

919.Music is my life.

920.Reasons why celebrating Earth Day is important.

921.I don’t know how to use the computer yet.

922.Next weekend ...

923.Miracle healers, fact or fiction.

924.Something wonderful happened.

925.What my first date will be like.

926.I feel so lonely and insecure without a girlfriend.

927.I feel very lonely without a boyfriend.

928.Everyone seems to have a partner except me.

929.What I think of the major world religions.

930.I am a very fortunate person.

931.Our family has fallen on very hard times.

932.My opinion of fortune tellers.

933.I have a good joke to tell you.

934.If I had the power to run our school.

935.When I have kids.

936.My experience with alcoholics.

937.Computer skills are very important.

938.My first love.

939.I argue a lot.

940.My first date.

941.I take advice only from ...

942.You don’t know who your friends are until ...

943.Television, the greatest baby-sitter.

944.The police need our support.

945.I witnessed something very unpleasant.

946.I would like to play an instrument.

947.People that kill others should...

948.Extraterrestrial beings, fact or fiction.

949.The first time I surfed the Internet.

950.Watching television takes away from creativity.


951.Next year ...

952.Let me tell you about last summer.

953.The future of mankind.

954.Little evidence of caring in our world.

955.Why aren’t more people friendly and generous?

956.I don’t feel safe where we live.

957.I am a very angry person.

958.I enjoy observing severe weather.

959.Crossword puzzles are a great deal of fun.

960.My favorite novel.

961.The number one baseball player.

962.I have read the Bible.

963.I have never read the Bible and have no interest.

964.I would like to be an explorer.

965.School is never fun for me.

966.What I think about “the new millennium”.

967.Why I dress and behave differently.

968.I am a very creative person.

969.My talents.

970.I don’t like taking frequent showers.

971.Television is a drug.

972.The kinds of movies I like to watch.

973.My first experience with the police.

974.When I get in trouble my punishment at home is ...

975.Cars are simply too expensive.

976.Cars are detrimental to our environment.

977.I find interesting game boards interesting.

978.The most exciting thing that happened in school.

979.My first pair of glasses.

980.My first camping experience.

981.I enjoy hiking the following trails.

982.What is on the other side of the end of the universe?

983.Is it possible for a supernatural God to exist.

984.I am already hooked on smoking and need help.

985.How I began smoking.

986.Computers and technology frustrate me.

987.Computers and I have nothing in common.

988.What’s the big hoopla about the Internet all about?

989.Our school computers got the virus.

990.I know someone who desperately needs help.

991.I have to take medications for the rest of my life.

992.Keeping long-term friendships is very difficult.

993.Everyone I know is either an alcoholic or on drugs.

994.I enjoy cooking good food.

995.Anything is possible if you try and don’t quit.

996.Juvenile delinquent laws are too soft.

997.Forms, applications and instructions confuse me.

998.I am trying really hard but not getting anywhere.

999.Exercise is the key to long and healthy life.

1000.Smoking cigarettes is a gamble.









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