Hankie pankie


The Spew Yawker

…..Think it!….Quip it!

Sunday , June 10th , 2012

 Nose Dive


I am at a Seminar and believe me, I would be lying if I said I am following one word the speaker is trying to say. To tell you the truth, I am sitting her with my tired eye balls glued to my tablet, surely wished it were one of mother's little helpers, anyhow, a good substitute, wouldn't you say?

My body is here with me, my fingers doing their own thing on this gadget and my mind is on the other ...side of town, talk about multitasking! I am thinking about lingerie, the great consumer rip-off and that I believe is Victoria's Secret. Scents, I can understand and appreciate, but expensive erotic accouterments,  no.

Here is the thing, women spend all this money to create that visual effect for men advertisers want them to believe men desire, yet, the eyes of these Neanderthals zoom like a car breaking a red light straight past the window dressing to the eye candy itself. These Neanderthals, if asked, would not be able to recount what the women were adorned in because their eyes were ogled on the candy not the wrapping.

Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross





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