MYPAGELINK is an interactive medium, where you can network, pursue your cause or passion and share them with anyone in the world. 

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Your page is like your own website that you can use to share thoughts, blogs, articles, photos, videos, and announce events. 

The best things about MYPAGELINK is that;

1. Visitors do not have to have an account to see your posts. 

2. You don't have to be a web site designer or developer.

3. You don't need to pay for hosting or spend countless hours developing a website.

We have taken care of all of those headaches for you. Simply contact us and start posting. Use your profile to share your favorite content, promote a cause, inspire or educate others. Use our resources and community to fulfill your passions and bring your dreams to reality. You can network, market yourself, advertise a service or product or use it as a teaching tool to educate others. Use it to post just about anything as long as it is positive and legal. 

In today's world your success is dependent on creativity and connectivity. We can help. Let us connect you to our global community.


Watch us create; even better... Start creating. Our community create great content for you to read for your entertainment, inspiration and education. Please can to support us by giving what you can to sustain our project. One of our objectives is to encourage as many persons as possible to read and write. Teaching others how to fish will empower them and they will in turn teach others how to fish. This is your legacy.





We need your support to bring our vision to fruition. Please give what you can today.

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