I'm so not good at the advice thingy....


Stuttering, Muttering & Suffering

....can I interest you with a sarcastic comment 


 Oh, did I mention that if your profile is a bubble head, you are gone; and if you don't have pride in putting up a decent looking profile picture, you are gone too. C'mon I am a person easily to feel ashamed, the first thing people look at is the type of people that you call friends.










Does it matter that you've never met most of them, no? I don't want people to say, "then a wha kinda yaga yaga looking people Etta she have as friends"

Look, if you have a man and you as a woman let him leave the house 'chug along or heng pon nail' Do you think that people are going to say that the man has no personal pride, hell no, they are going to say, what kind of worthless and careless woman he lives with?

If you think everything is not classified by association, think again?



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