Spent capital is not bankable capital

Muttering, Stuttering and Suffering



Miss Naomi Campbell, a come back, that ship has sailed and sunk!






In Miss Naomi's Campbell next life she should take many pages out of Miss Tyra Banks's playbook, a reputation that is well crafted, protected and orchestrated. In terms of the having it, Miss Campbell had it, period! but somehow she made success got to her head and forgot what she was about, as well as, where she was coming from, in the end committed career suicide.

In the modelling business, a very unforgiving one at best, a black model cannot afford to be damaged or scared by atrocious diva like behavior, at worst. Now, having lost her credibility, and nonetheless sports a blemished integrity, how can she expect to be taken seriously in her new role 'I am woman, here I eat crow' second act? Sorry Miss Campbell, sometimes you just cannot go home again.


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