Words can bring you down!

If you think that dogs don't have feelings ,think again. I leave my dog, yes him too, for months at a time, and every time I return home , my dog pretends that he doesn't recognizes me and gives me the malice treatment - #pets, #petco #doggiedaycare, #purina, #dabluepages
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Cats by their very nature act like they are better than humans. Such stand offish attitude! - #pets, #cats, #feline

Dreams can be scary. I have a recurring nightmare that I am homeless and have no where to go and no one to turn to for help. #omen, #intuition, #sociology, #psychology

To tell you the truth, I must have had a few scary things that happened to me, but for the life of me, off the top of my head, I just cannot recall at this moment in time. Note to self - Moron, write stuff down, your brain ain't no fountain of youth, anymore. Obviously, your brain needs all the help it can get. #naturalfoods, #vitamins, #organicfoods, #wholefoods, #glutenfree

I did not know that a baker's dozen is thirteen - #bakery, #bread, #pastry, #cupcakes, #donuts

#Teacher, I have something to tell you, I am not a tattle tale, but "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" - #alphabet, #typingclass, #typewriter, #keyboard, #dabluepages

There will be peace on earth when......I don't know....when the sun falls from the sky! #moresandvalues, #beliefs, #universality

Why do nations wage wars? Exactly why a nobody like me should concern myself with something that does not directly affects me, when I cannot figure why me and my siblings are always battling each other for our parents affection. #familymatters, #bloodrelatives, #globalproblems, #sumofallfears


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