Dust in the wind

Let your fingers stray!


Scribbles: My three wishes would be: One, find Jesus and have a heart to heart conversation with him. Two, have unlimited minutes with my parents who are now deceased, and ask their forgiveness. Third, to find out what exactly is Victoria’s Secret? #Religion, #remorse, #death, #regrets, #Christianity, #VictoriaSecret

Scribbles: What I think about gambling, my father gambled away the farm, so, I am the wrong person to be asked this question, really! #addiction, #behavior, #vice, #intervention # Las Vegas, #Casinos #dabluecommunity

Scribbles: Friendship is... what have you done for me, lately?

 Scribbles: Friendships are important, because people need people and without interdependency, how else would we define ourselves. However, how we compartmentalize the type and quality of friendship is a different matter. #betrayal, #trust, #honesty, #compassion, #belongingness, #identity, #confidence

Scribbles: This is my home, a state of mind, somewhere that shelters me physically from external elements and protects me mentally from internal forces. #maslowshierachyofneeds, #security, #privacy, #mortgage, #rent, #building, #money, #theAmericanDream, #dabluepages

Scribbles: Playing a musical instrument is not for the want of playing something, but for the unstated enhancement to traits, such as being goal oriented, focus and creative. #talent, #practicemakesperfect, #commitment #concentration, #dabluepages



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