What's with the evil eye?


 The Spew Yawker

…..Think it!….Quip it!

Friday, September 7th, 2012

Do not disturb, I'm disturbed enough already!


I am rendering some assistance to this kid, who told me something that I was in the act of processing its ambiguity, of which, I asked her for more clarity, naturally.



Imagine, how shocked I was when this little @#$%, whom obviously is smelling herself, said to me, you are so sloooooow. However, I was not slow to respond that I would be conveniently slower when she needed me to open my wallet. I guarantee you that, I would not get this sort of mocking impertinence and disrespect from a boy. Instead or rudeness, he would have used humor to deflect the situation.


I can't possibly understand the issues young kids have today. When I was fourteen, I lived sheltered in a bubble. I was not subjected to bullying in school, did not know anything about rape and incest. Back then, my world was all about day dreaming and reading Mills and Boons books with great voracity. Where are the dark ages? This acquaintance asked me to take a look at her teenage daughter's Facebook page, grant you, this kid goes to a reputable Jamaican Catholic high school.


Needless to say, to my horror, dungeons and dragons have nothing on this kid, such demonstration of darkness and depravity; believe me, my toes curled and my own demons blushed.


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