A spot of tea and crumpets, please!


 The Spew Yawker

…..Think it!….Quip it!

December 14th, 2012

Spirit in the Sky




Coat of many colours


So it's that dreaded time of year again.....yes... the company's Christmas party....pretending to be around people you don't even like...whining about shit.....you don't give a shit about......spending money that you do not have......buying that sausage link looking outfit..... only a person going to the barn dance would wear...... thank God to the genius who thought of re-gifting.....So words of wisdom.....If you know..... your head... cannot handle the egg nog......attach da lips to da hips....If your spouse is a yakker.....don't forget the tube of crazy glue....If your significant other.....not pleasant on the eyes.......you know what to do......





Can a leopard change its spots?


While in graduate in school......there was this New Yorker in my group...She owned no more.....than say fifteen.... twenty pieces of very expensive designer clothing ensemble.....I was like wow!.....first lesson in minimalism...of course...I tried it....but it was not for me….after a few weeks……I almost went out of my mind with boredom…..Being a snappy dresser with a flair of flamboyancy is who I am.


Feed the Pig!


Nobody gets unscathed during one’s lifetime without experiencing some type of epoch in the dumpster....some longer that others.......some rougher than others....It's the nature of the beast....sorry....but who is to know?.....just remember....when you crawl out of that dumpster.....like a roach.....put on a good face.....hold your head high......most importantly......look

 like a million bucks.....No one has to know that you’ve been to hell and back!

Look......having been around the bend and back many times more than I choose to remember.....nothing gives you perceptiveness like a few stints at the school of hard knocks…chopped up…..chewed….and spit out….Listen up….lessons learnt in the rat race......the rat never gets the cheese….before he gets whacked by the rat trap, the cat gets him and before the cat can feast, the dog fixes its clock and behind the dog comes ‘the man’ epitomizing  this scene from Dirty Harry “I know what you’re thinking: "Did he fire six shots, or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I’ve kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well do ya, punk?”


Be vigilant about kissing arse before you kick it........Do not be oblivious to the art of bullshitting, but have substance to back it up......Always be cognizant for the dagger going into your back.....being stabbed with a very disarming smile........In the corporate world.....as you slip.....you shit.....then you slide.....and of course……if your boss does not like you…..head for the door!


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