The Spew Yawker
…..Think it!….Quip it!
Sunday, November 3rd, 2013
And now my sugar is just another mighty mice!
Three years ago when P&G debut its Old Spice ad campaign for it's body wash with Isaiah Mustafa, aka, the Old Spice guy, I was captivated, scintillated, and aroused.
The ad got me good! It was not only original, but also clever, a rare combination in this day and age, indeed! Suffice it to say, I glanced at the pathetic breathing man sprawled out beside me on the bed like a beach whale, then and there, I realized that I could do much better.
However, I was too lazy to try to replace what was broken for a man with more baggage and even more broken.
So for the lesser of two evils, I brought into the power of suggestion and I got my man Old Spice wash, hook line and sinker, for never in a million years, would I have ever considered using my father's products, let alone, an old man brand name for my sexual exploits.
That said, I think the success of the ad got women like myself excited about Old Spice, for God forbid that, left to the beach whale’s own devices to buy beauty products, got Fabreze, ole chap! Now, the women that were targeted by the ad have been taken for granted and forgotten.
I would have liked to have been continued to be wooed, pursued and courted. Instead, like a hunted animal, once the prey is caught, the hunt is over. I am disappointed that the new Old Spice ads are plain boorish and simply boring. In essence, they do nothing for me and that’s saying a lot!